Statistics with League2GO are easy and entirely configurable. From the Results tab of your league parameters, you can determine the information that will be entered to each game. That information will allow you to have more or less detailed standing and statistics according to your need. You can, for example, choose to enter penalties, time of goals and faceoffs. Then, in the Statistics tab of your league parameters, decide which statistics to display to your players. If you desire to keep the information for managers only, you can disable the display of statistics to players.

Configuration of your league statistics.
Configuration of your league statistics.

A new Results tab has been added to games. From this tab, you can enter the goals, penalties as well as the statistics of each player. You can enter the information live with a tablet of a mobile phone. When the data of a game is entered, players can access to the Results tab to consult the information.

Game results.
Game results.

Finally, from the Statistics tab of your league, you can consult the player statistics. Players can access this information from the main menu.

Statistics table.
Statistics table.

If you have any questions or comments please contact us at

By Simon.